Dr. Sharp's Articles

Dr. G. Thomas Sharp's Articles

Thank You Card
By G. Thomas Sharp 02 Jun, 2022
I am considering the scripture in Philippians 1:3-6, "I thank my God upon every remembrance of you. Always in every prayer of mine for you all making requests with joy, For your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now; Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ". I want to express my thankfulness to the Creation Truth Foundation staff because they have faithfully and effectively continued to carry the torch for CTF since my retirement. Matt and Theresa Miles, Bob and Michelle Dugas, and Ryan and Amanda Cox have been exceptionally faithful! And Diane and I are very appreciative of this fact! They assumed the leadership of CTF and have punctually supported us financially and spiritually since my retirement. We also want to thank all the CTF donors that have faithfully supported this ministry for over thirty years. We could not have taken this journey without our wonderful partners (thank you so very much!). I felt like it was time to let everyone know how thankful we are that the work of Creation Truth is in good and faithful hands. Wow! Where did the time go? But thirty years goes by in a heartbeat when you are enjoying your work, and the CTF Staff has greatly facilitated this transition in a splendid fashion! In a word, they have made a potentially serious and difficult transition very easy! PTL! Just a word of thanksgiving to all of the many CTF Partners that have been so incredibly faithful. As Paul told the church in Philippi, my memory of your many calls, letters, and instances of financial help over the years are phenomenal. I am reminded of the old hymn that I have sung many times that says, “When I think of the goodness of Jesus, and what he has done for me, my soul cries out, ‘Hallelujah!’” To God is the glory! I have declined having triple bypass surgery at this time, but I am feeling good. Seeing that I will be 80 in July, we are going to trust God because we are in good hands. You will be in my prayers often. Yours in Christ, G. Thomas Sharp
By G. Thomas Sharp 14 Feb, 2022
If the reader has not had the privilege to read after Dr. E.W. Bullinger, they must as soon as it is convenient! They should get a copy of his commentary on Hebrews, his work on The Two Natures in the Child of God , or one of his other volumes (they are all priceless) and spend a profitable afternoon bathing in his ineffable wisdom. Bullinger begins chapter one in The Two Natures by quoting John 3:6, “That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit” , and immediately follows with this challenge: he tells us that there is an abundance of negative remarks said today about the ultimate authority of the New Testament, a reflection of the modern conflict between evolutionary and biblical worldviews. I say to you that the critical attacks of the evolutionists are an exercise in futility. After all, Jesus Christ is the Creator of all things, He is eternal, immutable and the epitome of truth, and because He is, He is above their perceived errors! Anything Jesus did or said was perfect and above any legitimate criticism. This is true, principally because Jesus is the incarnate God and Creator of the universe. Men say these things, not because they desire a closer walk with the Lord Jesus, but because they wish to lower the authority of the teaching of the Apostle Paul (and other Biblical authors), and to effectively rid theology of these influences! As for a vis-á-vis confrontation with Jesus, or Paul, or Peter, they will have none of it! From this exposure they turned their back and showed incredible disinterest. This same attitude was expressed in John 6:65-66, “And He said, ‘…that no man can come to Me, except it were given unto him of My Father.’ From that time many of His disciples went back, and walked no more with Him.” Jesus made it incredibly clear that no man could come to Him unless it is given to them by the Father! The Apostle Peter acknowledged this clarity within the battle of the two natures when Jesus asked them in John 6:67-69, “‘Will you also go away?’ Then Simon Peter answered Him, ‘Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life . And we believe and are sure that you are that Christ, the Son of the living God.’” G. Thomas Sharp
open bible
By G. Thomas Sharp 23 Apr, 2021
I have read again The Genesis Record , chapter 1 (Dr. Henry M. Morris, 2006). This was the “umpteenth” time for me to read this remarkable volume that was prepared by the modern father of Biblical creationism. And yes, it is written that well, and by the man that was without a doubt the father of the 20th century revival of Biblical creationism (in fact every Christian needs to read this book!). If I am ever again the headmaster of a Christian school, this book would be a graduation requirement. Dr. Morris plainly tells us that the Book of Genesis is probably the most important book ever written (p.17), because if the Bible is ever printed without the Book of Genesis as its foundational basis, the balance of the Scripture would be bereft of meaning and purpose! This one book alone adequately deals with the origin of the universe, its order and complexity, the solar system, atmosphere and hydrosphere, life, man, marriage, evil, language, government, culture, the nations, religion, and Israel and its people. It is significant that one of the first twelve chapters of Genesis is either quoted or referred to in the majority of the New Testament. Jesus continuously referenced Genesis, including specific reference to each of the first seven chapters. It is of vital importance that the reader understand that in all instances where NT writers referred to Genesis not one time did they infer or say Genesis was myth or allegory (p.22). Dr. Nelson Glueck (gl-OO’-eh-k), a leading archaeologist during the latter half of the 20th century, wrote, “As a matter of record…it may be stated categorically that no archaeological discovery has ever controverted {disputed} a Biblical reference. Scores of archaeological findings have been made which confirm in clear outline or exact detail historical statements in the Bible" ( Rivers in the Desert , NY, 1959, p. 31). If a person chooses to disbelieve the Bible for whatever reason, no one can with academic certainty say that the Bible is inconsistent in its message, even though it was written by 40 or more writers, over a space of 1500 years; no one can say the Bible does not accurately treat all scientific data about which it speaks; no one can allege the history of the Bible is inaccurate; no one can say that Jesus Christ is not the center and circumference of its content; and no one can legitimately be offended at its ultimate message. There is a Savior who was virgin born. His name is the above every name that has ever been name! He lived in a sinful world without sinning. He was the revelation God in the flesh. His ultimate objective was ratifying the covenant in His own blood - blood that speaks better things than the blood of Abel. He prayed more than any man prayed, and He loved unto the end of His fleshly life. But He arose on the third day and lead captivity captive! He stands open-armed with this invitation: “If any man thirsts let him come unto to Me and drink.” John 7:37
By G. Thomas Sharp 19 Mar, 2021
The origin’s debate (better known as the Creation/Evolution debate) has been a heated discussion in our society (and the world for that matter). For some time now it has become a major cause for the secular basis in our belief systems, eventhough first origins cannot be proved scientifically. If, for example, science can prove plants, animals and life arose spontaneously and that continuous transition between simple, one-celled animals, did in fact give rise to multiple-celled animals, the question then becomes: how did this come about? Did they arise spontaneously? Are they related in any way? Is there some kind of primordial force in the earth that convulsed or engaged matter to produce this phenomenon? Did matter arise or develop spontaneously from nothing, or from something? If the answer is from “nothing,” then we have no clue about the source of our origin. But if the answer is from "something", then what was that something? If we came from nothing, then all our social and religious structures and forms are of human origin and have no basis in reality; they simply serve the here and now! But if there is reason to believe, and there is, that space, humankind and the earth are the result of a creative act of a holy God through the power of His Word, then we have a serious responsibility to bow before Him, obey Him and worshipfully serve Him. Thus, it becomes immediately evident that the Creation/Evolution struggle is not just another meaningless debate of academic gobbledygook (that is, meaningless ideas concocted from simple men), but is indeed eternal! This is the bottom line in the Creation/Evolution debate; it is not about philosophy or even science, it is about who we really are! If I am simply a container of atoms that exists because of natural reactions only, then I am no different than any inanimate object having no ultimate eternal potential. But if I am a creature made in the image of the omnipotent God, if He created me especially for His service and worship, then I have a task much greater and more important than world leader—president, king or emperor! Our goal must be: But if, while we seek to be justified by Christ, we ourselves also are found sinners, is therefore Christ the minister of sin? God forbid. For if I build again the things which I destroyed, I make myself a transgressor. For through the law I am dead to the law, that I might live unto God. I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me: and the life that I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me. (Gal 2:17-20)
By G. Thomas Sharp 11 Feb, 2021
The wise author of the Ecclesiastes tells us that “Of making many books there is no end” (Ecclesiastes 12:12). I seriously pondered this fact as I contemplated the content of the Science According to...
By G. Thomas Sharp 23 Oct, 2020
The Biblical presentation of God in Christ (His omnipresence), observed specifically through many expressions of Christ’s absolute Deity that are especially found in the Gospel of John, which also addresses His eternal essence, is...
By G. Thomas Sharp 01 Oct, 2020
Within the top five points of Biblical dogma we can find the solution for 100 percent of man’s difficulties! Simply stated these points concern origins, mankind, redemption, the sin of Adam and the fall...
By G. Thomas Sharp 26 Aug, 2020
Probably, the greatest step of wisdom in the field of physical and chemical science is the first appearance of atomic based elements in a unique order. This order was organized into a highly usable...
By G. Thomas Sharp 21 Jul, 2020
The author of the book of Hebrews seems to be overtly concerned about what appears to be an eminent threat of Jewish members of the first century Church on the verge of returning to...
By G. Thomas Sharp 18 Jun, 2020
In Proverbs 30:4-6, we meet a man called A’gur (āghūr), but little is known about him. Strong says that he was a man received among the sages. In other words, he had acceptance among...
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